Intelligent monitoring for railroad carriages

A technology for monitoring of carriages/containers for railroad transport

Project number:POIR.04.01.04-00-0157/17-00
Project title (en):Intelligent video surveillance of containers
Project title (pl):Inteligentny monitoring wizyjny kontenerów
Period:2019-07-01 - 2021-09-30
Programme:Program Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020
Priority axis:4. Zwiększenie potencjału naukowo-badawczego
Measure:4.1. Badania naukowe i prace rozwojowe
Submeasure:4.1.4. Projekty aplikacyjne

Application for the project was submitted by the consortium composed of:

The scientific and technical goal of the project is to develop a demonstration installation and validate technologies leading to an innovative own product in the form of an intelligent monitoring system for railway wagons.

The business goal is to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of the IMW product, enabling the provision of a package of monitoring services, including:

  • intelligent monitoring data analysis enabling risk assessment and service cost forecasting, using real-time data on the technical condition of the wagons and related geolocation data,
  • detecting freight car defects (i.e. flat wheel surfaces) through vibration diagnostics and a sensor network (i.e. bearing temperature sensors),
  • forecasting failures and faults and conducting preventive actions (the so-called predictive maintenance).

Further information about the project can be found here


As a commercialization of this project's results we offer our services as well as we recommend technologies and services of our partners (see this leaflet)