Laboratory for ICT security

Hardware for research on ICT security

Project number:RPLD.01.02.01-10-0054/17-00
Project title (pl):Laboratorium bezpieczeństwa infrastruktury ICT
Period:2018-04-01 - 2018-08-31
Programme:Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Łódzkiego 2014-2020
Priority axis:1. Badania, rozwój i komercjalizacja wiedzy
Measure:1.2. Inwestycje przedsiębiorstw w badania i innowacje
Submeasure:1.2.1. Infrastruktura B+R przedsiębiorstw

The goal of the project was to increase the R&D activity of our enterprise by purchasing infrastructure for conducting R&D works in the field of ICT infrastructure security management.

The result of the project will be the opportunity to provide specialized R&D services to other business entities, including companies from the SME sector.